Client Side JavaScript Essentials for Desktop & Mobile
Client-side JavaScript is where it all began. It started with the DOM API, to enable the development of dynamic web applications, but as JavaScript began to grow and needed to reach beyond the browsers and take on more traditional requirements of front-end applications such as managing background tasks, sending and receiving data from multiple endpoints, managing state when offline and restoring state on start-up and the emergence of mobile apps the number of APIs has exploded. This course is designed to provide you with all you need to know to develop JavaScript applications both for desktop and mobile. The course requires that attendees be up to speed with JavaScript fundamentals. Our JavaScript Essentials course covers the required pre-requisite knowledge.
Client Site JavaScript Essentials Course Outline
- Introduction to client-side javascript
- Review of HTML & CSS
- Review of JavaScript asynchronous calls
- Navigator,
- geolocation
- connection
- contacts
- Window,
- events
- load,
- online/offline
- gamepad
- events
- Select Elements
- getElementById
- getElementsByTagName
- getElementsByClassname
- querySelector and
- querySelectorAll
- Iteratating over elements
- NodeLists
- HTMLElement
- Creating Elements & Maninpulating the DOM
- createElement
- createTextNode
- appendChild
- removeChild/remove
- HTMLEleement
- Instance properties
- Instance Methods
- Instance Events
- Select Elements
- History/Navigation API
- Styles
- setAttribute/removeAttribute
- className
- classList
- scrolling
- Events
- event object
- Disptach/Propogation
- UI Events
- KeyboardEvent
- TouchEvent
- MouseEvent
- Drag & Drop API
- Background tasks
- fetch/background fetch API
- web workers
- web sockets
- Forms
- form validation
- form submission
- Client Side Storage
- Working with cookies
- IndexDB API
- Web Storage API
- APIs for drawing and manipulating graphics
- Canvas
- WebGL
- Audio/Video
- HTMLMediaElement
- playing
- pausing
- stopping
- seeking
- HTMLMediaElement
- Device API
- DeviceOrientation
- DeviceEvents
- Overview of
- bluethooth api
- battery api
- file api
- JavaScript Build Tools
- Webpack
- Enrty
- Output
- Loaders/Modules
- Plugins
- Procution vs Dev builds
- Webpack
- JavaScript LIbraries Overview
- Youtube
- JavaScript Frameworks Ovierview
- Angular
- React
- Vue